Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog Award

I am so honored that a few of my blog friends  (blends)
Have given me this award.
I received it from  Shelly,  Diana , &  Amy
Can't even begin to put into words how much all the wonderful friends
I have made blogging have enriched my life.  
Sorry if  I have not been by your blog to comment as much as I had been in the past. I have to say,   the new blogger double verification words has really slowed me down
Sometimes it takes three or four tries to get the letters right
on to the award 

Here are the terms under which this 'Green Blend Award" are to be given.

1.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who has helped your blog in any and all ways.

2.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who has cheered you along in your blog building, craft advancing career.
3.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who always stops by and is kind to you. you can count on them to always be one of the great comments at the end of your posts.

4.) This award is to be given to 3 to 5 Blends whom you feel meet the listed requirements.

5.) Create a post with the terms of use and publish your Blends of Choice.

6.) Blend of choice may copy the award from your blog and proudly post it on theirs.

7.) Blend of choice may continue the kindness by issuing 


  1. congrats my friend!! you deserve this award!!

  2. Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking of me!


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