Sunday, November 3, 2013

Snow White and Linky party winner

Great day yesterday only work till noon
then my three daughters came over and
we all had some
"Emma Time"
In her Snow White Halloween costume
waiting for her prince
The winner of the Friday October 25th Linky Party
chosen by
11. Beth F 
Beth email me your address and I will get your ribbon in the mail to you
kfranciola @ nycap . rr . com
(remove the spaces)
"Having a place to go - is a home. 
Having someone to love - is a family. 
Having both - is a blessing." 
~Donna Hedges


  1. Oh my goodness... Emma is so stinken adorable Karen! I want to come over and hold her all day:) She looks so peaceful and so sweet-absolutely adorable in her Snow White costume!!!!! So glad you shared her picture with us:)
    Congrats to the winner to!
    Sherrie K

  2. I have never seen a more adorable Snow White than your granddaughter! What a DOLL! Thanks so much for choosing my wreath as the winner! I am off to email you now.

  3. Aww! She is so precious Karen! Sounds like a wonderful day! Carri~Abusybee

  4. She is adorable!


  5. Awwwww...she is adorable!!!! What a sweetie!
    Thanks for sharing and congrats to your winner!

  6. Oh my gosh, Karen, she is so precious!! What a doll!! And I love her Snow White costume!! Thanks for sharing a picture of her - she's so sweet!! Happy Monday :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Oh she is just a doll. What a cute costume. Congrats Beth.
    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

  8. OMG, she's so sweet. What a wonderful time for you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  9. Karen, Emma is so adorable.Love her outfit. Thanks for sharing such a precious photo.
    Jayne x

  10. Karen, your granddaughter is adorable! Emma, looks so sweet in her costume! Have a wonderful day.

  11. Karen just wanted to stop in and see how you beed doing. And look at baby Emma so beautiful. HUGS AJ-


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