Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thinking of you

Did this card for a challenge over at
a blog that challenges you to dust off all the things you have
purchase stuck in a drawer and haven't used
I use Cord'nations card stock for the base a2 card
HAD to get this and it's been sitting in my pile of card stock
for a least 6 months which really isn't long in the scheme of my unused stash
next it it a mat from DCWV Citrus stack
then two patter papers from Basicgrey
next I used a stamp I have I am pretty sure I got at ACMoore when
they were having a 50% off sale it's marked f-2211 Santa Rosa 1999
really had to dust it off 
I inked with black staz-on onto Bristol XL paper
it's an all purpose artist paper
I seem to have trouble stamping but with this paper I get good results
it's very thick and textured on one side
after stamping I colored with markers from Marvy
use a circle die from Spellbinders embossed leaving the die on
I inked the edges with Color Box Dune
put a dark brown Spellbinders scalloped circle behind
flower cut from Plantin Schoolbook
Thinking of you from Hero Arts


  1. Very pretty. I know what you mean about "I had to have" stash! : )

  2. Very pretty card, made prettier by the iris!

  3. This is very nice. Your colouring is perfect. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  4. This is sooo pretty! Love your coloring and card layout!

    Thanks so much for playing with us at Use It Tuesday!

  5. So very pretty!!! Thank you for your comment on choosing our challenge! I love your idea and would like to use it and feature you as a guest designer...please email me and we'll get things worked out!!!

    Patti Ross


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